Italian Company Setup
Rely the opening of your company to a team of professionals who will help you choose the right type of company in Italy.
Want to open a new company in Italy? Or looking for the way to register a local branch of your foreign company?
Foreign individual investors or medium small business registered outside are attracted to open a local offices in Italy due to the wide local and European market, Italian know-how and the Made in Italy are the essential resources of the country.
We will guide you through all the stages of company formation from its foundation to the annual administrative management, accounting, tax compliance, legal support, hr management , immigration law issues and many other aspects of business consulting.
After starting a company in Italy you may enjoy a lot of advantages:
- The openness of the major European markets
- Proficient and flexible workforce
- Beneficial and flexible taxation
- Developed and comparatively stable corporate and other legislation
- Comparatively low incorporation expenses
Major Types of Companies:
Limited Liability Company, Societa a responsabilita limitata (SRL)
LLC of a simplified type – a simplified form of a limited liability company, Societa a responsabilita limitata semplificata (SRLS)
Joint-stock company (SPA) is more suitable for medium and large businesses who want to enter in stock markets. The amount of the share capital EUR 100 000.
What to choose to start business in Italy?
For small and medium business who’s who wants to start a new business and don’t want to make a big investments the best solution is to choose Italian limited liability company. Lets check why it the best option.
What is an S.R.L.?
It is a Limited Liability Entity which benefits of a complete limitation of liability of the quota holders for company obligations. It is a “smaller-scale” company where the owners are usually a few individuals or entities (i.e. “quota holders”) holding “quotas” in the company rather than shares.
A limited liability company (Societa a responsabilita limitata – SRL) can be created by one or more shareholders (physical or legal person of any residence) and is characterized as follows:
- € 10,000 minimum authorized capital; in the presence of a single shareholder, the capital must be fully paid at the time of registration, if there are two shareholders, 25% of the minimum capital amount must be paid at the time of registration of the company
- there are no restrictions on the maximum number of shareholders
- the management of the company can be carried out by the appointed director, in accordance with the provisions of the memorandum of association;
- the director is entitled to be simultaneously the shareholders of the company
- the company must appoint an auditor / accountant to maintain the current accounting and periodic reporting.
Simplified type LLC (SRLS). The following requirements are mandatory for the opening of SRLS in Italy:
- Authorised capital from € 1 to € 9,999. Authorized capital is approved and fully paid upon registration.
- there are no restrictions on the maximum number of shareholders
- the management of the company can be carried out by the appointed director, in accordance with the provisions of the memorandum of association;
- the director is entitled to be simultaneously the shareholders of the company
- the company must appoint an auditor / accountant to maintain the current accounting and periodic reporting.
Taxation conditions:
The exact taxation regime and incentives vary depending on the type of activity. These are major highlights of the Italian tax system you may need to know now:
VAT rate – 22 %
Corporate income tax rate – 24 %
A diverse range of tax rates for financial, banking, and insurance activities.
The exact rate depends on the type and peculiarities of a certain business and regions. Our experts and tax advisor will consult you more precisely about that on our preliminary business consultancy.
If a shareholder wants to work in the company and live in Italy is required to get government authorization and residence permit:
Our immigration expert will advise you the best way how to get working documents and start working in the Italian Company.
How we work to open a company for you:
We will prepare all the necessary documents, such as the articles of association and memorandum of association, the company directors’ specimen signatures, affidavits, due diligence, and documentation translations.
You will give us a power of attorney to represent you in front of the notary who will stipulate the public deed of incorporation.
We will instruct the accountant to prepare the accounting activities necessary for the company, including the registered office, bookkeeping, VAT and TAX code.
Our business department can provide you further assistance with:
accountancy support for the Italian company
administrative support for the Italian company
finding the ideal location for your business;
providing a legal virtual office
assist you in opening an Italian bank account for your company.
draft commercial contracts, rental contracts, agency agreements, acquisitions, etc.
advise you on international tax law matter
assist in Corporate law, M&A and Private Equity;
The service is provided in the client’s language with the help of a dedicated dedicated manager who will be on hand throughout the registration process of the company and will act as a liaison between the accountant and the client.
If desired, we can also provide preliminary special consultations with an accountant in our offices or with the help of a remote conference.
To learn more about the conditions, the cost of registration of a company in Italy, please contact our staff at + 39-380-370-7076 or e-mail: info@y-nos.com
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