Blue Card

Rely on our expertise to obtain the Blue Card, the faster and easier way to work in Italy!

The EU Blue Card is a special residence permit issued to highly qualified foreign workers, provided that they have a job contract or a binding job offer and are the holders of a residence permit for working reasons.

The Blue Card has a two-year validity on condition that the foreigner has an indefinite duration contract of employment.
A qualifying criterion to obtain the Blue Card is the existence of an employment relationship, that is, performing paid work for or under the direction or coordination of another natural or legal person. Furthermore, the applicant must have successfully completed a higher education qualification program of at least three years or, in case of regulated professions, must possess specific professional qualifications giving access to such professional activities by virtue of legislative, regulatory or administrative provisions.
Our staff can assist with the request of the document, providing the following service:
  • Requirements assessment
  • Assistance with the request form
  • Arranging the documents to request the Permit
  • Arranging the meeting at the local immigration office
  • Assistance during the meeting at the immigration office
The service is available in the main languages and for every location in Italy; before booking the service read carefully the terms and conditions.

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Don’t hesitate to contact us!

    Our offices are open from Monday to Friday from 09.00 till 18.00